ELECTRA IRP final event
Rege Hotel, San Donato Milanese (Italy)
The two days ELECTRA IRP final public event was held on February 21st – 22nd 2018 in San Donato Milanese (Italy) at the presence of the European Commission project officer.
Key experts from the ELECTRA team highlighted the main outcomes of the project, both technical findings, with particular reference to the Web-of-Cells concept, and results of the coordination and support action activity. ELECTRA partners had also the possibility to hear the point of view on smart grids future development from important keynote speakers from some of the most outstanding stakeholders of the European smart grids community. Moreover the steps that shall be achieved to prepare the future development and possible deployment of the Web- of-Cells concept were discussed. Two round tables with international panellists were also organised. These gave the opportunity to discuss about key topics for the future power systems especially related to the possible deployment of ELECTRA results. The poster session where the young researchers that participated in the Research Exchange Program described their achievements and their experience to the whole audience was also highly appreciated. Find out more here.
February 21st and 22nd, 2018 - Rege Hotel, San Donato Milanese (Italy)
The Project Coordinator and the Steering Committee of ELECTRA IRP are pleased to announce that the Final Event will take place on February 21st and 22nd, 2018 at the Rege Hotel, San Donato Milanese (Italy).
Don't miss the opportunity to get first-hand information regarding the Web-Of-Cells concept validation and discuss the way forward with outstanding members of the European electricity community!
Download the preliminary Agenda, fill now the registration form and take advantage from accommodation at discounted rate !
ELECTRA invited to the C/sells Partners meeting
Munchen (DE) on 19th January 2018
Luciano Martini as ELECTRA Coordinator has been invited to present the activities and the main results of the ELECTRA IRP and in particular the highly relevant web-of cells concept (WoC) during the bi-annual Partners meeting of the C/sells project.
This contribution represents an additional steps towards a practical cooperation path between the C/sells project and the ELECTRA IRP / EERA JP on Smart Grids that was established during the workshop held in Stuttgart in October 2017.
The C/sells project is part of the funding programme "Smart Energy Showcases – Digital Agenda for the Energy Transition" (SINTEG) of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and is committed to find new approaches for a future energy system in the southern German states.
Owing to the pretty similar "cellular grid approach", this participation aimed at laying foundations for a future fruitful cooperation in view of several future joint initiatives.
As a follow up, the C/sells Coordinator Dr. Albrecht Reuter will deliver a keynote speech during the ELECTRA Final Meeting to be held in Milano, on 21st – 22nd February 2018.
Mission Innovation IC#1 Smart Grids
Successfully organized the 2nd deep-dive Workshop
The second deep-dive workshop of Mission Innovation - Innovation Challenge 1 on Smart Grids (IC#1) was held from 16th to 19th November, 2017 in New Delhi.
The workshop consisted in a two-day closed door meeting and a public event, with the presence of Ministers and representatives of the Indian Government and Chinese, Italian, English and American embassies, where the IC#1 Country Report 2017 was official released and the "New Delhi Declaration" shared.
Selected experts from the ELECTRA team and representative from EC actively contributed to the organization of this 3-day event and by providing the European view on Smart Grids under technical, business and policy points of view (read more).