Electra IRP at CIRED 2015
Important contribution of ELECTRA to Session 3: Operation, Control & Protection. Luciano Martini delivered the oral presentation: "ELECTRA IRP approach to Voltage and Frequency control for future power systems with high DER penetration." The poster "Scenarios and requirements for the operation of the 2030+ electricity network" was displayed by Tecnalia.
Presentation and poster are available for download.
ELECTRA IRP at the Smart Energy Workshop
VITO will present the ELECTRA Web-of-Cells architecture at the Smart Energy Workshop in Konstanz (Germany) at July 14th 2015.
This workshop is a joint organization of the SmartGridsBW-Platform and the European Project consortium CoSSMic (Collaborating Smart Solar-powered Micro-grids) and will be attended by scientists, component suppliers, utility companies and system operators to discuss innovative technologies and approaches to integrate a high fraction of renewable energy.
This workshop provides an excellent opportunity to engage with other leading Euopean projects, such as CoSSMic, IDE4L and evolvDSO as well as industry stakeholders to explain the ELECTRA proposed Web-of-Cells architecture, the rationale behind it and the technical challenges. The learnings and feedback that we receive this way will be input for further fine-tuning of the web-of-cells concept.
ELECTRA IRP - The second Call for Application is open!
The Exchange Programme Management Committee of the ELECTRA Integrated Research Programme is pleased to announce the second call for applications for Researcher Exchanges. A number of exchanges is available in this call for applicants in ELECTRA partners, European organisations, and organisations around the world as shown here.
The first call for the smart grid Researcher EXchange programme, ELECTRA REX, was published late 2014 and the six successful applicants are now approaching completion of their exchanges. The programme attracted strong interest with a wide range of interesting applications for exchanges in Europe and globally. The exchanges are proving to be highly valuable and relevant to ELECTRA's research objectives, contributing to exciting concepts for innovative voltage and frequency controls for 2030+ grids. A number of co-authored papers are already underway and preparations in progress for an exchange workshop in Vienna at EDST (8-11 September). Come along to learn firsthand of their experiences and find out more about the programme. More calls for exchanges will follow - next opportunity will open on June 22nd 2015. Follow the website for announcements.
Jan von Appen enjoying his exchange in CSIRO Energy Centre, Australia |
Alexander Prostejovsky at PNDC Strathclyde University, Scotland |
Interested in applying? For more information click the mobility tab.