3rd Joint ELECTRA IRP & EERA JP on Smart Grids Steering Committee meeting
The EERA Joint Programme on Smart Grids Steering Committee (SC) brought back together for the periodic meeting organised on 7th and 8th October at OFFIS premises in Oldenburg, Germany. The event constituted the opportunity to organise a dedicated ELECTRA IRP session with all the project partners. The ELECTRA IRP partners attended this session updating the SC members and the EC Project Officer about the latest results. After almost one year from the project start, the first reports and deliverables were presented and will be published for public dissemination outside the Consortium.
EERA/ELECTRA Keynote at HubNet Smart Grids Symposium 2014
The Project Coordinator presenting a summary of the ongoing EERA Joint Programme on Smart Grids, before further describing the funding arrangements in Europe available to UK Energy Researchers, especially those related to Smart Grids. He was speaking at the UK Smart Grid Research Symposium hosted by the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, September 2014. He later explained developments in international smart grid research with respect to the ELECTRA Integrating Research Project and its relation to the EU’s 2020 targets.
For further information, please visit the HubNet website.
The ELECTRA project meets Russia
The presentation of the first ELECTRA IRP paper took place at the Annual International Conference on Reliability of the Liberalized Power System held in St. Petersburg, Russia, between 30th June and 4th July. The organizers of the event were the Energy System Institute, the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Siberian Chapter. Prof. Irina Oleinikova from IPE, Latvia, had the chance to have a close interaction with representatives of Russian organizations and universities, fostering future collaboration and information sharing. The event is part of a number of international cooperation initiatives which are envisaged for the project.
2nd Joint ELECTRA IRP & EERA JP Smart Grids Steering Committee meeting
An EERA Joint Programme on Smart Grids Steering Committee periodic meeting was held on 6th and 7th May at University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, UK. The event constituted the opportunity to organise also a dedicated ELECTRA IRP session with the project partners. SC members were updated about the latest achievements and planned the activities for the next six months.