First Joint EERA/ELECTRA Smart Grid Technical Workshops
A group of one day workshops was held at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK on May 8th 2014. The event constituted the opportunity for research and industrial participants to contribute short presentations and join in technical discussions with European smart grid specialists.
For further information, please have a look at the flyer of the event and at the material available in the "Technical Workshops" of the "Dissemination" section of the website.
1st Joint ELECTRA IRP & EERA JP Smart Grids Steering Committee meeting
During the EERA JP Smart Grids Steering Committee (SC) meeting organized by LABORELEC on March 11-13th in Brussels, a dedicated ELECTRA IRP session took place.
All 21 ELECTRA IRP partners attended this session that provided to SC members and to the EC Project Officer an update about the latest achievements. During the ELECTRA IRP session the SC discussed several issues and also approved the first documents and formats to be circulated and disseminated outside the consortium.
EERA-SG Coordinator interviewed by SETIS
Luciano Martini interviewed by SETIS - Strategic Energy Technologies Information System. The coordinator of ELECTRA IRP Project and EERA-SG (European Energy Research Alliance Smart Grids Joint Programme ) shows the contribution of the program to achieve the objectives of the EU 2020 and 2050.